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Co-Creation in the making: Introducing and Co-Planning seedbed interventions


This report provides an overview of the work of WP3 partners, city partners and their stakeholders since the challenge workshops4 were implemented in each of the six Cultivating Cities in October and November 2021 and January 2022. This report also introduces the concept of seedbed interventions by framing it in a scientific context and reflecting on how WP3 partners approach this new concept through the GoGreenRoutes...

Publication Date: 31 Mar 2022

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Co-Creation in the making: Introducing and Co-Planning seedbed interventions

Report on Cultivating Cities' Challenge Workshops, Urban Morphology and SWOT analyses


The Challenge Workshop in each cultivating city was the first opportunity for different stakeholders to come together to get to know each other and to learn about GoGreenRoutes. During the Challenge Workshop, stakeholders were invited to create a vision for the upcoming seedbed and NBS interventions and UWL, participate in a newly forming local taskforce and share their opinions and ideas. The Cultivating City partners...

Publication Date: 26 Nov 2021

Author(s): Anna Bruen (ICLEI ES) Shreya Utkarsh (ICLEI ES) Julia Gäckle (RWTH Aachen) Miryam Bah (RWTH Aachen)

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Report on Cultivating Cities' Challenge Workshops, Urban Morphology and SWOT analyses

Green space and mortality in European cities: a health impact assessment study / The Lancet Planetary Health


Natural outdoor environments including green spaces play an important role in preserving population health and wellbeing in cities, but the number of deaths that could be prevented by increasing green space in European cities is not known. This study aimed to estimate the number of natural-cause deaths among adult residents that could be prevented in cities in 31 European countries, if the WHO recommendation for...

Publication Date: 01 Oct 2021

Author(s): Evelise Pereira Barboza, Marta Cirach, Sasha Khomenko, Tamara Iungman, Natalie Mueller, Jose Barrera-Gómez, David Rojas-Rueda, Michelle Kondo, Mark Nieuwenhuijsen

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GoGreenRoutes Flyer


Download our flyer for a quick overview of the GoGreenRoutes project.

Publication Date: 03 Sep 2021

Author(s): GoGreenRoutes

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Poster: GoGreenRoutes Cultivating City Tallinn


Learn more about Tallinn's Urban-Well-Being Lab in the Lasnamäe district.

Publication Date: 02 Sep 2021

Author(s): GoGreenRoutes

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