Latest News
30 August 2021
Preparing the ground for collaboration: Stakeholder mapping in the GGR Cultivating Cities
A new report developed by RWTH Aachen University, ICLEI Europe and staff from the cities of Burgas, Lahti, Limerick, Tallinn, Umea and Versailles provides insight into the process of identifying key stakeholders and analysing their needs and interests relevant to the co-creation of nature-based solutions (NBS). The report Stakeholder mapping in each of the Cultivating Cities serves as an inspiration to other municipal staff looking to mobilise stakeholders.
Research shows that participatory approaches can benefit NBS implementation in several ways, for instance, by generating innovative solutions and ideas, deepening relationships between local actors, creating a sense of ownership of public spaces, and helping legitimise project processes and outcomes.
In GoGreenRoutes, ‘local taskforces’ to be created in each city are intended to steer a process of participation across municipal departments and in the wide community. A stakeholder mapping exercise has been conducted by the project’s six Cultivating Cities to underpin the formation of local taskforces responsible for steering new ‘Urban Well-being Labs’. These spaces for experimentation will support the co-creation of new green areas such as shared walkways, cycling lanes, parks or urban forests by engaging a range of departments within the city administration, but also external groups such as neighbourhood councils, mobility, sports, family and environmental associations and the private sector.
The mapping can be understood as a “living process”, meaning that new actors may be included as the project takes shape.
In the ‘Cultivating City’ of Tallinn for example, planners utilised stakeholder mapping to brainstorm potential partners for the deployment of Nature-based solutions in Vormsi Park, the city’s chosen target area. The park is equipped with a playground, but it also has a large amount of undeveloped green space, giving it a diverse value that is both ecological and recreational. It has great potential for outdoor education and environmental awareness activities that could benefit locals in the community. These considerations were kept in mind while brainstorming potential partners for initiatives in the park, such as kindergartens, schools and universities.
With the mapping complete, all six Cultivating Cities are now getting ready to begin engaging with their key stakeholders and mobilise their future local task forces, with a ‘challenge workshop’ to be held in each city in September/October 2021.
To learn more about stakeholder mapping in GoGreenRoutes, download the full report here.