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Natural environments, psychosocial health, and health behaviors in a crisis – A scoping review of the literature in the COVID-19 context


The COVID-19 outbreak led to major restrictions globally, affecting people’s psychosocial health and their health behaviors. Thus, the purpose of this scoping review was to summarize the available research regarding nature and health in the COVID-19 context. Overall, the findings indicate that nature may mitigate the impact of COVID-19 on psychological health and physical activity. Through a systematic thematic...

Publication Date: 13 Apr 2023

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Revealing the determinants of gender inequality in urban cycling with large-scale data


Cycling uptake has gone up, but women still cycle much less than men. What role does the urban environment play in this gender-cycling gap? Check out our new study on EPJ Data Science.

Publication Date: 18 Apr 2023

Author(s): Alice Battiston, Ludovico Napoli , Paolo Bajardi , André Panisson , Alan Perotti, Michael Szell and Rossano Schifanella

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Lahti Health Forest Informational Brochure


Curious about the lay of the land at Lahti's new health forest? Then check out this new brochure which tells you what you will discover there and the many benefits of a guided experience in nature.

Publication Date: 06 Sep 2023

Author(s): Suutari Taru

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Lahti Health Forest Informational Brochure

D6.3 Digital Placemaking tool-kit for all Cultivating Cities


In an era where technology and nature seemingly stand at opposite ends, digital placemaking offers a unique opportunity to bridge this gap, offering a harmonious blend that enhances human connection with urban nature environments through innovative digital interventions.

Firstly, descriptions and explanations of the nature of digital placemaking is provided, highlighting how digital innovations envision a future...

Publication Date: 06 Nov 2023

Author(s): Fernández de Ossó Fuentes, Maria J., Keegan, Brendan J., MacIntyre, T., Maynooth University (Ireland); Jones, Marc V., Manchester Metropolitan University (UK)

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Concept to Delivery Innovation Programme - Sustainable finance, business models and nature-based entrepreneurship strategies for Nature-based Solutions


Designing, delivering and managing nature-based solutions at a level that provides environmental, social and economic benefits while building resilience and benefitting biodiversity is complex. There are many issues to consider and many different stakeholders involved at all stages of the process. When the focus of the NBS is shifted more towards the co-benefits outlined above it is perhaps even more important to get...

Publication Date: 09 Dec 2023

Author(s): Siobhan McQuaid, Horizon Nua John Gallagher, Trinity College Dublin Shreya Utkarsh, Kassia Rudd and Adriana Duarte ICLEI; Aine MacBeth, Connect the Dots.

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