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Nature-based Placemaking in High-Density Cities
Ecostack Innovations has just released a new publication with recommendations for Nature-Based Placemaking in High-Density Cities.
Through this document, they are sharing some of the learning experiences from the implementation of nature-based placemaking in high-density cities based on our work in the European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT) Community New European Bauhaus project ReCreate. The...
Publication Date: 17 Jan 2023
Author(s): Mario Balzan
Cooling cities through urban green infrastructure: a health impact assessment of European cities
“We already know that high temperatures in urban environments are associated with negative health outcomes, such as cardiorespiratory failure, hospital admission, and premature death. This study is the largest of its kind, and the first to specifically look at premature mortality caused by higher temperatures in cities and the number of deaths that could be prevented by increasing tree cover,” says lead author, Tamar...
Publication Date: 31 Jan 2023
Author(s): Tamara Iungman, MPH, Marta Cirach, MSc, Federica Marando, PhD, Evelise Pereira Barboza, MPH, Sasha Khomenko, MSc, Pierre Masselot, PhD, Marcos Quijal-Zamorano, MSc, Natalie Mueller, PhD, Antonio Gasparrini, PhD, José Urquiza, PhD, Mehdi Heris, PhD, M
Seedbed Intervention Images
Do you want to feel the full experience of our recent Seedbed Interventions in the Seed Cities of Burgas, Limerick, Lahti, Umea, Tallinn and Versailles? Fear not. You can see for yourself in this gallery of imagery from the interventions.
Publication Date: 03 Feb 2023
Author(s): City of Burgas, Limerick, Lahti, Umea, Tallinn, Versailles
D3.5 Results of six seedbed interventions in the six Cultivating Cities
This report shows the processes and results of six seedbed interventions in the project in the six Cultivating Cities. These interventions were developed in close cooperation between city partners and partners from WP3. In 2021, the city partners held online and/or face-to-face workshops (Challenge Workshops) in their cities to understand the challenges, inform stakeholders about the project and the interventions and...
Publication Date: 01 Mar 2023
Seedbed Intervention:Burgas
Burgas organised its seedbed intervention in close proximity to one of the
two pilot areas. The green area between “Gurko“ parking lot and Oborishte
street is the pilot site for the GoGreenRoutes project in Burgas. It is located
in an area of the city centre which is heavily built with large and medium
sized multifamily buildings, several hospitals and a big parking lot. There
are very few green areas in this part of...
Publication Date: 23 Mar 2023
Author(s): Gäckle, Julia