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Natural environments, psychosocial health, and health behaviors in a crisis – A scoping review of the literature in the COVID-19 context


The COVID-19 outbreak led to major restrictions globally, affecting people’s psychosocial health and their health behaviors. Thus, the purpose of this scoping review was to summarize the available research regarding nature and health in the COVID-19 context. Overall, the findings indicate that nature may mitigate the impact of COVID-19 on psychological health and physical activity. Through a systematic thematic...

Publication Date: 13 Apr 2023

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Seedbed Intervention: Tallinn


The City of Tallinn’s seedbed intervention took place on the 10th September 2022 at Vormsi park’s green area in Lasnamäe district. There were guided walks organised in two languages - Estonian and Russian, in order to engage residents with different nationalities. Both walks were guided by two experts - one focusing on historical context and the other on ecological aspects. An information tent was set up where passers-...

Publication Date: 31 Mar 2023

Author(s): Julia Gäckle et. al.

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Seedbed Intervention: Tallinn

Seedbed Intervention: Umeå


The Cultivating City of Umeå carried out its seedbed intervention. Bölevägen is the name of the street that will be reconstructed over the next two years, along four green spaces that will be designed and developed. The seedbed intervention site, Aspgärdan, was an empty area close to an English school along Bölevägen. The aim of the seedbed intervention was to collect ideas of the citizens on how to design the largest...

Publication Date: 31 Mar 2023

Author(s): Julia Gäckle et. al.

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Seedbed Intervention: Umeå

Seedbed Intervention: Versailles


The seedbed intervention in Versailles took place in the Square Blaise Pascal which will be the site of the NBS interventions and is currently composed of 3 sections: 1300sqm park for children with many play facilities, 1730sqm park intensive green space with cherry trees and ping pong tables and a 6900sqm area for football and basketball. The workshops on the 14th of July attracted a total of about 80 participants.


Publication Date: 31 Mar 2023

Author(s): Julia Gäckle

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Seedbed Intervention: Versailles

Seedbed Intervention: Limerick


In one of our Cultivating Cities, in Limerick, the Seedbed Intervention took place on the Castletroy greenway, which is the target area for the GoGreenRoutes project as it provides connectivity between Castletroy College secondary school (students 12-18 years of age) and Castletroy Gaelscoil (children 4-12 years of age). The greenway consists of a 3.5m wide cycleway alongside a 2.5m wide footpath with 1m wide grass...

Publication Date: 29 Mar 2023

Author(s): Julia Gäckle, et. al.

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