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How opportunistic mobile monitoring can enhance air quality assessment?
The deteriorating air quality in urban areas, particularly in developing countries, has led to increased attention being paid to the issue. Daily reports of air pollution are essential to effectively manage public health risks. Pollution estimation has become crucial to expanding spatial and temporal coverage and estimating pollution levels at different locations. The emergence of low-cost sensors has enabled...
Publication Date: 04 Sep 2024
Author(s): Mohammad Abboud, Yehia Taher, Karine Zeitouni, Ana-Maria Olteanu-Raimond
The impact of exposure to green or bluespace on dietary intake and food choices among adults—A systematic literature review
Extensive research has shown that spending time in natural greenspaces has a positive impact on health. However, there is limited evidence regarding potential factors that may influence these effects. This review aimed to assess the strength of the evidence and potential impact of exposure to green and bluespaces on dietary outcomes in adults.
Publication Date: 21 Aug 2024
Author(s): Claire A Gilbourne, Alan Scarry, Audrey C Tierney, Eibhlis M O'Connor
The importance of protecting human health in the EU climate policies
As anthropogenic climate change continues to escalate, its detrimental efects on human health are becoming pronounced, demanding urgent transformative actions from European policymakers. This policy brief underscores the importance of protecting human health in the EU climate change policies. As the European Climate-Health Cluster, comprising six pioneering research projects, we call for increased engagement of...
Publication Date: 31 May 2024
Author(s): European Climate-Health Cluster
Co-Creation and Awareness Workshops for the Region of Murcia: "Reflecting on the implementation of nature-based solutions in schoolyards in the municipality of Puerto Lumbreras"
The Directorate-General of Housing and Architecture of Murcia participates in the GO GREEN ROUTES European project which consists of a multidisciplinary consortium of 40 partners. In this project, nature-based solutions (hereinafter NBS) are implemented in urban spaces in six laboratory cities, the so-called growing cities, to promote the health and well-being of citizens.
Within this framework, the...
Publication Date: 31 May 2024
The development of a Gender, Inclusion and Diversity Framework for inclusive Nature-based Solutions in cities
Evidence consistently shows that the benefits Nature-based Solutions generate are determined
by several individual characteristics such as gender, age, sexuality, ethnicity and disability. As a result, Nature-based Solutions can perpetuate existing inequalities and even create new inequalities partly because diverse minority and marginalized people are underrepresented in the process of designing and implementing...
Publication Date: 29 Feb 2024
Author(s): Ben Delbaere, Evelise Pereira Barboza, Evelien Van Rafelghem, Kalyn Potter ,Eilish McCabe, Áine McBeth, Shreya Utkarsh, Kassia Rudd, Maria J. Fernandez de Osso Fuentes, Adriana Duarte, Julia Gäckle and Hans Keune