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23 October 2024
New ISGlobal Report Highlights the Urgency of Integrating Health Findings into Climate Policy
As ISGlobal expert Dr. Mark J. Nieuwenhuijsen states, “more than ever, the climate crisis is becoming a health crisis.” Alarmingly, 5 million people globally die each year from heat-related mortality. However, during a recent talk at the Academy of Medical Sciences & The Lancet International Health Lecture 2024, Dr. Nieuwenhuijsen emphasised that although cities are at great risk from climate change, they can also be part of the solution.
Cities play a crucial role in shaping the future of their residents through decisions on density, emissions, mobility systems, and energy choices. The report also identifies key barriers to adopting transformative approaches to urban design, including the short nature of election cycles, financial constraints, siloed thinking, and, most importantly, a lack of urgency in considering health as a critical aspect of decision-making processes.
To prioritise global health in urban planning, the report urges medical professionals and societies to engage in policy processes wherever possible. Additionally, healthcare professionals should advocate for their patients at the community level, promoting practices such as active transport, nature connectedness, and initiatives that link health with community well-being.
Learn more about this topic in this informational video!
Explore the publication: Climate Crisis, Cities, and Health.