
Past Events

7 - 9 July 2021

Poznan, Poland-

3rd World Conference of the Society for Urban Ecology

3rd World Conference of the Society for Urban Ecology

We are very pleased to invite scientists, practitioners, and policy-makers interested in relations between socioeconomic and ecological components of urban systems to attend The 3rd World Conference of the Society for Urban Ecology 2020/21. As you probably noticed the Conference has to be moved by one year because of the COVID-19 Pandemic, but we are convinced, it will be an exciting event.

After the successful previous conferences in Berlin (2013) and in Shanghai (2016) we will meet on 7 to 9 July 2021 in Poznań, green and health-oriented city, with one of the highest quality of life indexes in Poland.

The conference programme covers a wide range of topics related to urban ecological aspects and social components interdependencies in cities.

The leading concept of the SURE2020/21 conference in Poznań is to provide the welcoming forum for scholars, experts and business and administration professionals to present their research and discuss the ideas, concepts, experiences and different points of view.

For SURE you can expect a very stimulating, fruitful and enjoyable time.

We invite you to visit Symposium website and find more information on the event.