
Past Events

8 June 2023, 09:00 - 20:00

Brussels, Belgium-

NetworkNature Annual Event: Enabling transformation through and for nature-based solutions

NetworkNature Annual Event: Enabling transformation through and for nature-based solutions

Climate change and biodiversity loss are not only environmental matters, but also social and economic crises. In order to safeguard the future of our planet and communities, transformative and sustainable approaches are needed. Nature-based solutions (NBS) are regarded as instrumental approaches to address the most pressing challenges facing humanity, and provide social, environmental and economic co-benefits.

But what is their real transformational potential? And what transformations are needed to widen the use of NBS?

NetworkNature gathers the nature-based solutions community, and creates opportunities for local, regional and international cooperation with the aim of maximising the impact and uptake of nature-based solutions across sectors.

For its final conference, NetworkNature welcomes back the nature-based solutions community and invites those that are new to the world of NBS, from policy makers, scientific experts, civil society to investors and financing institutions, infrastructure planners and builders, landowners and natural resource managers to share and learn about the ways through which NbS can foster transformation and transformations that are necessary to help spread the use of NBS.

Join NetworkNature on 8th June 2023 at the Flagey Building in Brussels, Belgium! The event is open to the public and will feature interviews, presentations, panel debates and interactive sessions. Together we will discuss the transformative nature of NBS, how its benefits reach across sectors and which transformations are needed in policy, in the economic and financing sector, and in science and practice. You will get to know the creative side to NbS and learn more about the products NetworkNature has to offer to policy makers, practitioners and businesses to see more NbS on the ground. You will find out about different EU-funded NBS projects and have time to network. There will be an evening reception after the conference.

Prior to the event (on 7th June afternoon) and after the event (on 9th June morning), attendees are invited to participate in site visits to nature-based solutions in Brussels and Antwerp (sites to be determined).

Additionally to the event, on the 7th of June from 15h30 to 17h00, NetworkNature will host a marketplace in Flagey building, Brussels. While having some coffee, attendees are invited to expose their NBS poster about their research, projects, business model, policy initiatives, management practices, etc. This is a unique opportunity to share information about your work on NBS! The marketplace and your posters would remain accessible also during the Event on 8th June so that participants can find out about NBS initiatives. You can register to contribute to the marketplace here.

For those who are partners in EU-funded NBS projects and members of Task Forces: On 7th June, NetworkNature will host the Nature-based Solutions Taskforces Cluster Meeting (open only to Taskforces members upon invitation). Registration for this event is provided separately.

Register to the event