
Lahti, Finland


Finland’s eighth-largest city by population, Lahti is situated in the south of the country between the Finnish capital city Helsinki and the Russian city of St. Petersburg. On account of its strategic location, Lahti is known as an important logistics and trade hub. The Salpausselkä ridge, an ice age formation, runs through the city from east to west. Together with Lahti’s large groundwater reservoirs and diverse biotopes, the ridge provides a multiplicity of ecosystem services, natural landscapes and recreational areas to residents and visitors. Blue and green areas cover over 80% of Lahti.

The city's bold environmental choices have been recognized by the European Commission, who granted Lahti the title of European Green Capital 2021.

Making nature accessible to all

Lahti’s residents count on extensive natural resources to support well-being and recovery. Urban green areas consist mostly of forests with extensive path networks and other recreational structures such as huts and bonfire sites.

Like everywhere else in Finland, people can enjoy the national “everyman’s rights”, the general public’s right to access land, roam through forests and pick wild berries or mushrooms.

To take full advantage of its green surroundings, Lahti is seeking ways to emphasize the importance of nature to support health and well-being. As part of GoGreenRoutes, the city has developed and is pilotting the concept of a “health forest” next to the healthcare centre in the Kintterö nature conservation area.

The health forest will support the well-being and recovery of the healthcare centre staff, patients and visitors, and will be open to all Lahti citizens seeking to bring nature closer to their everyday lives. Lahti is currently exploring ways to implement platforms to help users find the restorative spots in the forest. One possible avenue would be the inclusion of virtual nature to create a more interactive experience.

Focus is being given to making nature more accessible and appealing to all segments of the population. While the overall trend with regard to well-being is positive in Finland, differences between population groups have grown in recent years.

Enhanced user-driven co-design, co-production and co-creation of nature-based services are seen as promising solutions that will be explored through the city’s involvement in the project.

Lahti’s vision for GoGreenRoutes is to implement nature-based solutions that are accessible and attractive to multiple population groups, offering a wide variety of ways to connect with nature.

Lahti-Local Task Force Led Innovation

Introduction: A Temporary Innovation System (TIS) is a framework that temporarily combines stakeholders and funding streams to tackle a persistent social problem, through a period of development and proof of concept. The aim of a TIS is to facilitate innovation in an inclusive manner.

In Go Green Routes, we wanted to consider whether the application of Temporary Innovation Systems in each Cultivating City would support the delivery of the GGR NbS.  While the Local Task Force for the GGR Intervention was more informal and coined as a “Team of Experts”, Lahti remains open to considering the role of a Local Task Force in the implementation of the Nature Steps to Health Strategy for the City.  With a well defined Societal challenge, and objectives, Lahti has displayed some of the characteristics needed to implement a Temporary Innovation System.

Societal Challenge being Addressed:  In Lahti, the driving motivation behind nature-based interventions is the creation of a community environment that strengthens community spirit and social cohesion.  Creating a health forest to support the well-being and recovery of healthcare centre staff, patients and visitors, that is open to all Lahti citizens with a variety of and trails and nature-related activities is but one step of the Nature Steps to Health Strategy for the city.
Task Force Objective: With a strong team behind the Nature Steps to Health Strategy for the city, the objective of the Local Task Force for the GGR NbS Intervention was to provide advice and input on an  as needed basis to the development and creation of the Healthy Forest.

Task Force Composition or “Team of Experts”: An informal grouping who met as needed to provide input and guidance.  Good representation from business, community and public administration, with a more nuanced input from research partners.

From Concept to Delivery

Gathering public opinion during the Seedbed Intervention Site Visits: Photo Credit:Juha Tanhua

Construction is underway in the Health Forest. Photo Credit: Juha Tanhua


Official Launch of Lahti’s Healthy Forest. Photo Credit: Tommi Mattila


City Initiatives

  • In November 2021 Lahti hosted the EcoCity Forum featuring digital solutions and smart cities for sustainability.

  • Get inspired by Lahti’s involvement as European Green Capital and their impressive awards ceremony for European Green Capital for Tallinn.

  • As a part of Lahti’s year as Green Capital, the city created many sustainable community projects including a Nature Camp for Families.

  • Got a green thumb? Then see this children’s garden which not only teaches kids about gardens but also environmental sympathy!

  • Lahti is leading an innovative health campaign called Naturestep promoting healthy lifestyles both for people and the environment.


Get in touch

Taru Suutari, Project Manager, Taru.Suutari@lahti.fi

City of Lahti website

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