Upcoming Events
29 June - 1 July 2022
Valletta, Malta-Mediterranean Conference Centre
GoGreenRoutes Summer School - 360 Health
The theme of this in-person summer school is 360Health:Where Nature and Health Rhyme. Apply now!
What is 360-Health?
The GoGreenRoutes intergenerational 360-Health approach is a multi-dimensional concept aligned with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, in particular Goal 3 - Good Health and Well-being. Ensuring biological, psychological, social and environmental health, for all generations, is key to sustainable development.
Session info
Plenary session with Marc Jones. Guest speakers Annalisa Setti and Claudio Nigg. Creative methodologies training and opportunities for collaboration for those engaging with NBS.
For more information, email info@gogreenroutes.eu, follow our social media, or sign up to our newsletter.
GoGreenRoutes is a €10.5m EU-funded project sowing the seeds for increased nature-connectedness across Europe, Latin America and China.
Our multidisciplinary consortium of 40 organisations is pairing participatory approaches and citizen science with Big Data analyses and digital innovation to co-create "Urban Well-being Labs" in six “Cultivating Cities”: Burgas (Bulgaria), Lahti (Finland), Limerick (Ireland), Tallinn (Estonia), Umeå (Sweden) and Versailles (France). These pioneering cities are implementing “nature-based solutions” such as green corridors, linear parks, pocket parks and shared walkways to enhance the physical and mental health of their urban residents.
GoGreenRoutes local partner in Malta is Gzira Local Council.
Information about the project: https://cordis.europa.eu/project/id/869764