Past Events
2 October 2024, 14:00 - 15:30
Aalborg, Denmark-
New Monia: an unhealthy city
Welcome to New Monia! A former industrial city which has lots of development potential but is unfortunately plagued by a population with many health problems. In fact, New Monia tops all the wrong health statistics. This image needs to be changed. The newly elected city council puts on the work gloves and investigates what they can do to have a healthier city.
The city council must discuss 4 development projects, each of which can make the city healthier and better to live in. But the projects contain dilemmas, and all choices have a consequence. What will YOU choose?
After a short introduction, the participants in groups must take turns discussing the 4 development projects. Each discussion ends with a vote, where each individual participant casts their vote for the preferred solution. When all dilemmas have been discussed and all votes have been cast, it will be clear which changes the new city council has chosen for New Monia.
Want to join the this dynamic workshop? It will take place in Aalborg, Denmark at the European Sustainable Cities and Town Workshop.
You can sign up for the conference here.
More info on programming here.